This is a list of “work rules” TD&A follows and you would need to be in agreement with these in order to work with TD&A:
- Email is our preferred method of regular communication, and spontaneous calls are fine during normal business hours.
- TD&A team member will check email minimally once a day, though will strive to check once in the morning and again in afternoon.
- Task turnaround time is minimally 24 hours, though TD&A team member will use own judgement based on information known or go by due date shared by Client.
- RUSH requests (i.e. same day requests) need to be communicated via text (or via email due to length and alerted via text to the email). TD&A team member will respond when able and whether available to complete.
- Retainer clients only: Ideally a weekly check-in call will occur with you and TD&A team member discuss Q&A on projects, upcoming projects, goals review (as needed), etc.
- TD&A team member will send a progress report to you on Fridays outlining time status (time used (either retainer or hourly) and time remaining (if on retainer)) and any updates to projects TD&A team member wishes to communicate.
- We track time by the minute.